General terms of sale

Applicable from January 1, 2024 - last modified on May 12, 2024.

Clause 1: Object

These General Terms of Sale exclusively govern subscriptions taken out by customers (the "Customers") with Sedestral for the provision of online services by recurring paid subscription (the "Services"). Free offers provided by Sedestral are not governed by these GTS. By subscribing to a paid subscription, the Customer unreservedly accepts these GTS.

Clause 2: Subscription and subscription management

At Sedestral, we believe in transparency: there are no hidden fees, no cancellation or subscription fees. You only pay the price of your subscription.

Sedestral's Services are offered as subscriptions with recurring payments, at the Customer's choice, on a monthly or annual basis. A Customer can have multiple workspaces, and each workspace is linked to a specific subscription. The subscription becomes active upon receipt of the first payment.

There are two payment methods for subscriptions: Stripe for customers signing up directly via our site (default), and Shopify Billing for customers using Sedestral via the Shopify store. When a customer connects via Shopify, a dedicated workspace is created, and the payment system used is that of Shopify.

For subscriptions via Stripe, the monthly periods start on the day of subscription and renew on the same day each month. For example, if the subscription is taken out on May 19, it will renew on the 19th of each month. For subscriptions taken out on a day that does not exist in all months (e.g., January 31), monthly renewals will occur on the last day of the month for subsequent months. Thus, a subscription on January 31 will be renewed on February 28 (or February 29 in a leap year), then on March 31, etc. For an annual subscription, the renewal will take place on May 19 each year.

For subscriptions via Shopify, a monthly period corresponds to 30 days from the activation date of the offer. For example, if the subscription is activated on May 19, the renewal will take place on June 18. Annual subscriptions via Shopify follow the same rule as Stripe, with annual renewal on the same date each year.

The Customer can subscribe, modify, or cancel the subscription associated with each workspace directly via their customer area on the Sedestral site. Any change in subscription is subject to the conditions set out in these GTS. It is the Customer's responsibility to actively manage the subscription for each workspace, including updating payment information if necessary, to ensure uninterrupted service.

Clause 3: Payment terms

For subscriptions via Stripe, payment is made by direct debit from the Customer's bank card at the beginning of each subscription period, depending on the chosen subscription frequency (monthly or annual). In the case of an immediate change in subscription resulting in a change in price, a prorated payment will be calculated to cover the remaining period until the next regular billing date. This prorated adjustment is made to ensure a fair transition between subscription periods. The subscription is modified only after receipt of this initial prorated payment. The Customer guarantees that they have the necessary authorizations to use the chosen payment method and agrees to keep this information up to date to allow uninterrupted direct debit.

For subscriptions via Shopify, payment terms may vary. Shopify offers several payment options, such as credit cards, PayPal, and other payment methods available depending on the region and the Customer's preferences. It is recommended to inquire directly on the Shopify site for the available payment options and associated conditions. The Customer is also responsible for ensuring that payment information is up to date to avoid any service interruption.

Clause 4: Subscription modification

The Customer can modify their subscription at any time via their customer area on the Sedestral site. Changes are handled as follows:

- If the new subscription has the same periodicity (monthly or annual) as the current subscription:
  - If the price of the new subscription is equal to or higher, the change and payment apply immediately.
  - If the price of the new subscription is lower, the change will take effect at the next period of the current subscription.

- If the new subscription has a different periodicity from the current subscription (switching from monthly to annual or from annual to monthly):
  - The change will take effect at the next period of the current subscription, regardless of the amount of the new subscription.

These rules ensure a smooth transition between the different subscription offers while respecting the current billing period.

Clause 5: Subscription cancellation

The Customer is allowed to cancel their subscription at any time via their customer area on the Sedestral site. All subscriptions are non-binding.

For subscriptions via Stripe: The cancellation is effective on the date of the next billing period, regardless of when the request is made. No prorated refund is provided for any unused remaining subscription periods.

For subscriptions via Shopify: If the Customer uninstalls the Sedestral app or cancels their subscription via the Sedestral interface, the subscription will be automatically canceled with immediate effect. This means that the subscription will be terminated immediately, and the Customer will no longer be able to use the services, even if the initial subscription period is not over. No refund or prorated adjustment will be possible.

Clause 6: Access to Services

From the time of subscription and in accordance with the payment terms, the Customer benefits from access to the Services provided by Sedestral. Sedestral commits to taking all necessary measures to ensure quality access to the Services, in accordance with industry practices and the state of the art.

Clause 7: Support and maintenance

Sedestral commits to providing dedicated customer support to assist users of its Services, accessible through various channels such as email and live chat, according to the terms specified on the Sedestral site. In addition, Sedestral conducts planned maintenance operations and regular updates of the Services to ensure their security, performance, and continuity. While Sedestral aims to minimize any interruption or inconvenience caused by these operations, the company will inform its customers in advance of any planned maintenance that may affect access to the Services. However, it is understood that Sedestral cannot guarantee constant and uninterrupted availability or performance of the Services, particularly in the event of events beyond its control (such as Internet outages, cyberattacks, or natural disasters). In such cases of force majeure or for compelling technical reasons, Sedestral will not be held responsible for any temporary interruptions or service degradation that may occur. Customers can nevertheless be assured that Sedestral will do everything possible to restore the Services as quickly as possible and minimize any inconvenience.

Clause 8: Late or failed payment

For subscriptions via Stripe, in case of payment issues, our payment partner Stripe will attempt to collect the due amount. If this attempt fails, Sedestral will temporarily suspend access to the Services and notify the Customer via email, offering the opportunity to update payment information or resolve the issue. If the situation is not resolved by the Customer after this notification, Sedestral reserves the right to permanently deactivate the subscription. This deactivation is considered a last resort and will only occur after an attempt to communicate with the Customer to resolve the payment issue. The Customer is encouraged to keep their payment information up to date and to resolve any payment delays as soon as possible to avoid interruption or loss of access to the Services.

For subscriptions via Shopify, in case of late or failed payment, Shopify may notify us. Following this notification, Sedestral may temporarily suspend access to the Services until the payment issue is resolved. It is therefore essential that the Customer keeps their payment information up to date on the Shopify platform to avoid any service interruption. If the issue persists without resolution, permanent deactivation of the subscription may be considered, after communication with the Customer.

Clause 9: Data Deletion

Once a subscription becomes inactive, whether due to cancellation by the Customer or deactivation due to non-payment, Sedestral will proceed with the deletion of all data associated with the Customer's account, including workspaces, projects, and any other recorded information. This deletion is final and irreversible. Therefore, it is the Customer's responsibility to back up their data before the termination or expiration of their subscription. Sedestral commits to informing the Customer of the impending data deletion and will provide a reasonable period for them to back up their data. This process is in place to ensure the protection of privacy and data security in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

Clause 10: Price Display and VAT

The prices of the Services offered on the Sedestral website are displayed excluding taxes (HT) and expressed in euros (€). This presentation provides a clear indication of the cost of the Services before the application of applicable taxes. The final invoice presented to the Customer will include VAT (Value Added Tax) calculated at the rate in effect in the country of the Customer's billing address, also expressed in euros. Sedestral commits to complying with local VAT regulations and applying the corresponding rates based on the Customer's billing address, in accordance with legal provisions. This approach ensures that the total amount billed, expressed in euros, is in line with the tax requirements applicable to the Customer, offering transparency and clarity on the final amounts payable for the subscribed Services.

Clause 11: Billing and Bank Receipts

For subscriptions via Stripe, Sedestral provides its customers with easy access to their billing history directly from their customer area on the Sedestral website. Each Customer can download their invoices related to the subscribed subscriptions and the associated bank receipts at any time. This feature is designed to offer transparency and convenience, allowing customers to manage their financial documents related to the use of Sedestral Services independently and securely.

For subscriptions via Shopify, invoices and bank receipts are directly accessible from the Shopify customer area. Customers must log in to their Shopify account to view and download these documents. Shopify ensures that this information is provided in a consistent and easily accessible format, meeting customers' accounting and financial tracking needs.

Clause 12: Security and Payment Processing

To facilitate secure transactions and payment processing, Sedestral uses two online payment services: Stripe and Shopify Billing. Stripe is used for customers signing up directly via our site, while Shopify Billing is used for customers accessing Sedestral via the Shopify store.

By accepting these GTS, the Customer acknowledges that all transactions made via Stripe or Shopify Billing are processed by these respective services, without Sedestral having direct access to the Customer's bank details. Payment information, including credit card details or other payment methods, is provided directly to Stripe or Shopify through a secure interface.

The Customer is informed that payment information is linked and specific to each subscribed workspace. It is therefore the Customer's responsibility to ensure that the provided payment information is always up to date and valid in each concerned workspace, to guarantee the smooth execution of automatic payments for their subscriptions. This step is essential to avoid any service interruption due to a payment failure in one of the workspaces.

For more information on Stripe and Shopify practices, including their terms of use and privacy policies, we invite you to visit their respective websites: for Stripe and for Shopify.

Clause 13: Liability

Sedestral commits to providing the Services with care and skill, within the framework of an obligation of means and not of result. This means that Sedestral does everything possible to meet the promised quality standards, without guaranteeing a specific result. For example, Sedestral cannot be held responsible for failures to achieve specific results due to external factors or force majeure.

Clause 14: Force majeure

Sedestral's obligations will be suspended in the event of occurrences beyond its control (force majeure), such as natural disasters, pandemics, strikes, Internet outages, or cyberattacks. In such circumstances, Sedestral will inform the Customer as soon as possible of the occurrence and the estimated duration of these interruptions. This suspension will not hold Sedestral liable for any delay or failure to meet its obligations.

Clause 15: Modification of the GTS

Sedestral reserves the right to modify these GTS at any time. The modifications will take effect upon their publication on the Sedestral site. Customers are therefore encouraged to regularly review the GTS to stay informed of any changes.

Clause 16: Applicable law, language, and competent jurisdiction

These GTS are governed by French law and written in French. In the event of a dispute, one or more attempts at amicable resolution will be sought by the parties for a period of 30 days. If no solution is found, the courts of Nanterre will have exclusive jurisdiction, unless otherwise required by law. The French version of the GTS prevails over any translation.

Clause 17: Contact

For any questions regarding these GTS, Customers can contact Sedestral at the following email address:

Clause 18: General Provisions

If any provision of these GTS is found to be illegal, invalid, or otherwise unenforceable, that provision will be deemed severable from the GTS and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.

Clause 19: Time Reference

All references to time in these General Terms of Sale are based on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). For all provisions related to a date or time, including but not limited to, the end of a subscription, subscription renewal, and contractual changes, UTC time will prevail.

Clause 20: Product Specificities

As part of a subscription including one or more products, the following conditions apply specifically to each included product:


  • Number of AI posts:
    • The number of AI posts allowed for SmartBlog is determined by a sliding month counter.
    • This counter checks each day the AI posts created between the current date and the same date in the previous month.
    • The available AI post count is reset daily based on this sliding period.
    • This measure applies regardless of the subscription date.
    • Unused AI posts during the sliding period cannot be carried over.
    • The number of AI posts includes any AI post created from the post generation button, even if it is not published and even if it has been deleted in the meantime. Blank pages of the non-AI type are not counted and are unlimited.

  • Number of blogs:
    • The number of blogs corresponds to the number of active blogs in the workspace.

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