Customer service

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All-in-one customer service software

Sedestral enables you to quickly set up comprehensive cloud support to assist your customers.

Sedestral aims to help you create multi-channel support for better serving your customers.

Let's see

Live chat

Customize and install Livechat on your website

Serve your customers from your website

Illustration of the category Live chat.


1. Connect your domain name to Sedestral

2. Create a email address

3. Assign employees to this email address

4. Let your employees work as a team

Serve your customers via email

Illustration of the category Mails.

Social Networks

Link your social networks to Sedestral. Respond to all your customers from a single platform. Increase efficiency and speed

Serve your customers on social networks

Illustration of the category Social Networks.


Customize and maintain a help center so your customers can quickly find answers to their questions without contacting you

Illustration of the category HelpCenter.


Train artificial intelligence to answer your customers' recurring questions, alleviate your employees' workload, and reduce customer wait times

Illustration of the category ChatBot.

In short, Sedestral allows you to create comprehensive customer service for all channels

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of a help center?

A help center allows you to create numerous articles about your business, or provide answers to many questions you may frequently need to address. By publishing these answers in a help center under your name, you can increase your visibility on the internet and achieve a high search engine ranking in a short time. Search engines appreciate content that presents and identifies who you are, what you offer, and how you contribute to the success of your brand. By providing these answers in a help center, you will increase your reputation while answering the questions of your potential customers.

What are some interesting questions to answer in a help center?

Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. However, it is important to remember that answering any question can provide additional information. It may be wise to explain your business, how to contact you, your opening hours, your vision, your goals, your values... These are just ideas from an inexhaustible list.

Is the help center customizable?

Like all Sedestral products, the help center is customizable and behaves similarly to the Livechat in terms of personalization. You can modify shapes, colors, logos, text, and more.

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