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Keep an eye on your performance and impact

Sedestral saves you time in evaluating your impact and performance. Analyze your team's activity and results from Sedestral.

Centralize all your marketing and support statistics

Page representing Sedestral's interface : Centralize all your marketing and support statistics.
Excerpt from the website presenting the creation of reports

Create your own reports

Statistics allow you to apply specific criteria to reports so you can visualize only what's essential for you. Filter your conversations, posts, contacts, and more by country, status, and other precise filters.

Line separating the elements of the site

Evaluate individual performance of your collaborators

Page representing Sedestral's interface : Evaluate individual performance of your collaborators.

Main reports

Number of conversations

See the hours when your customers tend to contact you.

Conversations hours

See the hours when your customers tend to contact you.

Response time

See the hours when your customers tend to contact you.


See the hours when your customers tend to contact you.


See the hours when your customers tend to contact you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What analytical data is processed on Sedestral?

Sedestral does not process and will never process any exchanges you have on the platform. However, various data is collected, such as your team members' connection times, engagement numbers, received reviews, etc. This data is specific to each team member and can also be analyzed for each contact and publication.

Can statistics be accessed by all users?

One of the strengths of Sedestral is its management of profiles and the attribution of personalized roles, which makes it easier for each user to access. Thus, as with all other products on Sedestral, the administrator can manage members who have access to statistics and those who can make modifications.

What is the purpose of statistics on Sedestral?

Statistics are becoming increasingly essential in the professional world, as productivity is at the heart of all concerns. It is crucial to rely on KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). Sedestral is designed to analyze all actions performed on the application and allows the administrator to clearly visualize everything that happens without wasting time.

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